Onyx Signature Series

Onyx Signature Series


* Fat Blocking

*Healthy Cholesterol levels

* Weaning off Coffee

* Digestive Comfort


After every meal, enjoy a cup of our delicious Onyx Signature Series. This earthy black tea to encourage the body’s natural cleansing and purifying processes. Simplify your daily detox without messy juice cleanses or intestinal discomfort.

Highly regarded in Chinese medicine, the Pu-erh leaf  found in the Onyx Signature Series has been used for centuries to help maintain optimal liver and kidney function. Like a fine red wine, these leaves have been Cave-aged for 10+ years to enhance their natural benefits and promote true body wellness.*

This detoxifying and rejuvenating tea primes the digestive system to block fat from forming on the hips and thighs.*

Drink Onyx Signature 30-60 minutes after eating to allow the Pu-erh to do its job of removing excess grease and aid the body in eliminating unwanted, leftover, hard-to-digest fats.*

Why I made this- Onyx is a beautiful tea and I claim no rights to this amazing leaf other than the discovery of it when I lived in Hong Kong. I would always drink it on the mountainside at a small restaurant while eating noodles with my good friend and watch the inches whittle away from my waist as it is the best natural fat eliminating product I have ever experienced.

Category- Detox

Pair with- Any Physique Tea from the Relax or Slim Collections

Best time of day to enjoy- After meals especially high in fats. Best when drank with food.

Directions- Bring water to a near boil. Add tea bag and steep until desired flavor is reached. To obtain maximum benefits enjoy 3-5, 8-ounce cups of your favorite Physique Tea daily. Each tea bag can be re-steeped multiple times.

Caffeine- Low

Origin of base leaf- Yunnan Provence of China

Packaging- 15 Japanese silk sachets in a white organza bag packed in a box

Best Hot or Iced- Hot

Allergens- Contains NO gluten, wheat, yeast, corn, soy, salt, dairy, animal products, binders, fillers, or artificial ingredients.

Produced in a facility that is FDA, GMP, ISO 20002, HACCP, KOSHER certified

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  1. How does Onyx work?
  2. Onyx aids in weight and fat loss by helping to increase the speed of digestion. Onyx will accelerate the movement of fat from the stomach to the colon without giving the fat time to be absorbed by the body. However; there is no laxative effect in Onyx so cramps or diarrhea is not a side effect. Your internal detoxification organs, liver, kidneys, and lungs are supported by cleaner blood as Onyx helps draw out the toxins and allows your body to perform at an more optimal level


  1. How do I drink Onyx
  2. Onyx is very special in that drinking it at the correct times will help you shed unwanted pounds by helping your body to metabolize fat. The best time to drink a cup of Onyx is 30-60 minutes after a meal, especially ones high in fat. However if you drink Onyx half an hour or so before you eat a meal it will cause the opposite effect and can cause you to gain weight instead because Onyx is so effective at clearing fat from the body that when drunk before a meal it clears up the fat deposits in the body and any residue in the stomach so that it actually increases appetite, causing you to eat more.


  1. What Benefits can I expect from drinking Onyx Signature?
  2.  In traditional Chinese herbalism, pu-erh tea is considered to open the meridians, 'warm the middle burner' (the spleen and stomach) and be beneficial to 'blood cleansing' and digestion. For these reasons, it is often consumed after heavy meals or drunk as a hangover cure / preventative.

*individual results may vary

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