Valentine’s Day is traditionally a day for lovers, but that doesn’t mean those without significant others have to miss out on the gift giving (or receiving) on Valentine’s Day. One new Valentine’s Day trend that I think is both positive and healthy is buying a Valentine’s Day gift for yourself!
This might seem a little strange at first thought, but giving yourself a Valentine’s Day gift is a way to practice self-care and love.
Buying a Valentine’s Day gift for yourself can even get you into the gift-giving spirit! If you think you might want to buy a Valentine’s gift for someone else but aren’t sure what to get, this pre-Valentine’s Day blog can help with that as well. This is especially true for the men since it can be difficult to come up with Valentine’s Day gift ideas for her last minute.
When you think about Valentine’s Day gifts, what probably comes to mind is a barrage of candy, flowers, teddy bears, and gift cards. The origins of today’s form of Valentine’s Day actually dates back to 14th century. This is when the holiday moved from celebrating the life of a saint to partying, gifts, and glamor. During these days, candy and cards weren’t the way to show affection, the kings and queens of the court used huge feasts instead.
Drawing on these early traditions, it is common for people to purchase food (usually sweets) for their lovers on Valentine’s Day. Candy is a go-to Valentine’s Day gift idea, but doesn’t really work for those of us who are health conscious or wanting to lay off of the sweets. So what Valentine’s Day gift can you treat yourself to without sending yourself on a sugar binge? Tea!
Now when I say buy yourself (or your lover) some tea for Valentine’s Day, I don’t mean go out and buy a two dollar box of Lipton from the grocery store. There’s absolutely nothing romantic and self-caring about that. Instead, try out something that could not only help improve your Valentine’s Day and mood but also your health. One really great option is Duchess Stress Management Tea.
This tea makes a great Valentine’s Day gift for a couple of different reasons. The first, I mentioned above: it’s healthy. It not only accelerates your metabolism and can help with weight control, but it also carries away harmful toxins that can cause illness. Who knew that buying yourself a Valentine’s Day gift could stop you from getting sick? It can also help you slim up if that’s one of your 2018 goals.
Many people use Duchess for weight management since the Garcinia Cambogia and lavender can help suppress your appetite. It’s also yummy! Duchess is Pina Colada flavored so it can be a healthy cocktail substitute--no extra calories and no toxic alcohol effect. And of course, there’s the stress management bonus. Instead of feeding into your worries, you can spend the rest of your February in a relaxed mood sipping on a cup of Duchess tea Valentine’s Day gift.
I hope that your Valentine’s Day 2018 and every other day is BeauTEAful!
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